
Setting Abbreviated Dialing
To activate Ph. Book Match feature:
1. Select > Settings > Others > Abbrev. Dial.
2. Select Ph. Book Match > Enable.
To deactivate this feature, select Disable.
To set your prepend number:
1. Follow steps 1 above.
2. Select Prepend > Enable.
To deactivate this feature, select Disable.
3. Select Prepend#.
4. Enter a five- or six-digit number (for example, an area code
and prefix) and press (left softkey).
Tip: To make an Abbreviated Dial call, see “Using Abbreviated Dialing”
on page 24.
Note: This setting does not apply to 911 or Directory Assistance.
Setting Power On to Alert
Power On to Alert helps prevent unintentional or accidental
power-on of your phones alarm settings while your phone is
turned off. This feature applies only to Event Alerts, Call Alarm,
and Alarm Clock. (The default setting is Off.)
To turn Power On to Alert on or off:
1. Select > Settings > Others > Power On to Alert.
2. Select On or Off.
On to activate alarm in Airplane Mode even if the phone is
turned off.
Off to deactivate all alarm settings while the phone is
turned off.