
HighWire HW400c/2 User Reference Guide Rev 1.0
The following conventions are used in this document:
A # following a signal name, e.g., INTA#, represents an active low signal.
A / preceding a signal name, e.g., /INTA represents an active low signal.
0x preceding a number represents a Hexadecimal value.
A number in “ ” preceded by H represents a Hexadecimal value.
A number in “ ” preceded by B represents a Binary value.
A register or bit name that ends with _EN indicates an enable function
A register or bit name that ends with _N indicates an asserted low function
Typeface courier is used to designate code and/or terminal input.
Draws attention to important information related to the nearby text.
Refers to information about potential hazards to equipment or personnel.
October 10, 2006 Copyright 2006, SBE, Inc. Page xii