840 USE 106 00 January 2003 199
Steps to Upgrade
PLC executives
while Hot
Standby is
Zoom or RDE
Step Action
1 Call up the Hot Standby command register, either in a Zoom screen or in the
RDE. If you are using the Zoom screen, select the Without Stopping option for
bit 12. If you are using the RDE, set the value of bit 12 in the Hot Standby
command register to 1.
2 Disconnect from the PLC and start the Firmware Loader Utility.
3 Perform a firmware download to the standby controller.
4 Do a program update from the Primary to the Standby controller as described in
Using a Quantum 984 HSBY System, p. 67
Using a Quantum IEC Hot
Standby System , p. 109
. At this point, you have a new system executive in the
Standby controller with the correct ladder logic and state RAM values.
5 Initiate a Hot Standby switchover.
6 Perform a firmware download to the new Standby controller.
7 Refer to Concept V 2.2 User’s Manual, 840 USE 483 00. Now both the Primary
and the Standby controllers have the new system executive installed, and both
are running the same logic program with the same state RAM values. If you
initiate another switchover, the controller that was originally the Standby
becomes the Standby again.
Note: Some Exec upgrades may be because of new versions of Concept and
in certain cases the project may have to be converted before downloading.
8 Reconnect to the Primary controller and reset bit 12 of the Hot Standby
command register back to 0 via either the Zoom screen or the RDE.