PowerLogic™ PM5300 series user guide Chapter 10—Multi-tariff feature
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Configuring tariffs using the front panel
This section explains how to use the front panel to set up tariffs.
You can change the tariff mode using the front panel.
When the meter is set to command mode for tariffs, the active tariff is controlled by
Modbus commands sent from your energy management system or other Modbus
Related topics
• Search PM5300 Modbus register list at www.schneider-electric.com to download
the Modbus map.
Configuring time of day mode tariffs using the front panel
When the meter is set to time of day for tariffs, the active tariff is determined by the day
type, the start and end times, and the start and end dates. The time of day tariff is not a
calendar; the meter does not calculate the corresponding day of the week to a specific
date, but February 29th is considered a valid date if you are programming the meter
during a leap year.
When you enter tariff times using the front panel, be aware that the displayed minute
value includes the entire minute. For example, an end time of 01:15 includes the time
from 01:15:00 through 01:15:59. To create a tariff period that starts right after this, you
must set the next tariff’s start time to 01:16. Although it may appear that there is a gap
between these tariffs, there is not.
1. Navigate to Maint > Setup.
2. Enter the setup password (default is “0”), then press OK.
3. Navigate to Meter > Tariff.
4. With the cursor pointing to Mode, press Edit.
5. Press or to change the setting to Time of Day, then press OK.
6. Move the cursor to point to the tariff (Tariff 1 to Tariff 4) you want to modify, then
press Edit.
Tariff setup menu tree
Meter Basic Dmd Tariff
Time of day mode tariff setup
Parameter Values Description
Day Type
Everyday, Weekday, Weekend,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday
Select which day the tariff is active. Only
tariffs that are Everyday can have a tariff that
includes midnight (for instance, from 11pm
to 2am).
Start Time 0000 to 2359
Set the time when the tariff period starts,
using the 24 hour clock format (00:00 to
23:59). The Start Time cannot equal the End
End Time 0000 to 2359
Set the time when the tariff period ends,
using the 24 hour clock format (00:00 to
23:59). The End Time cannot equal the Start