Using Your Battery Charger
For best results from your battery charger, learn to use it properly. This section tells how to installthe charger and
how to charge a battery in or out of the vehicle.
What to expect from your charger.
Your charger is designed for use with 12-volt batteries
only. It has a control circuit designed to stop the
charging process when a battery reaches full charge.
This same circuit requires that a battery have at least 1
volt of charge to start the charging process.
Completely discharged batteries must be brought to this
minimum state-of-charge before this charger will
The charger is designed to:
• maintain the charge level of 12-volt batteries used in
seasonal or special-purpose vehicles or engines
stored for long periods such as RVs, farm and
construction equipment, snowmobiles and the like.
• improve 12-volt battery performance during cold
Installing the charger
Your charger can be mounted on a sheet-metal fender
well near the battery.
The charger comes with a two-piece mounting bracket,
two bolts, and two nuts. Position the charger on the
selected location to be sure that the leads reach the
battery terminals.
Figure 1 illustrates the charger mounting brackets.
Figure 2 illustrates surface mounting of the charger to the
fender well. if using the nut and bolt provided, drill two
holes between 3/16" and 1/4" in diameter. (For alignment
of holes use one of the brackets as a template.) If the
backside of the mounting surface is hard to reach, you
may consider using two 1/2" sheet-metal screws instead
of nut and bolt, drill a pilot hole if required, drill holes
between 1/8" and 5/32". CAUTION: Do not drill or punc-
ture battery.
Electrical installations - Route and secure supply cord and
output wiring away form gas line, carburetor or other hot,
sharp or moving and pinch parts to avoid damage to the
insulation. Secure the AC cord and plug to a cable or
frame using a self locking cable tie or equivalent.
Figure I
Figure 2