Personal Safety Precautions
For your own personal safety, please follow the following precautions:
• Wear complete eye and clothing • Remove all personal metal items
protection when working with lead-
acid batteries.
• Be sure that someone is within
range of your voice to come to your
aid if needed while you work with or
are near a lead-acid battery.
• Have plenty of fresh water and soap
nearby for use in case battery acid
contacts your eyes, skin, or clothing.
If this happens, wash immediately
with soap and water. Then get
medical attention.
• Avoid touching youreyes while
working with a battery. Acid particles
(corrosion) may get into your eyes. If
this occurs, flush eyes immediately
with running cold water for at least 10
minutes. Then immediately get
medical attention.
from your body, such as rings, brace-
lets, necklaces, and watches while
working with a lead-acid battery. A
battery can produce a short circuit
current high enough to weld a ring (or
the like) to metal, causing a severe
• Take care not to drop any metal tool or
metal object onto the battery. This may
spark or short circuit the battery or
another electrical device that may cause
an explosion.
• Always operate your battery charger in
an open, well ventilated area.
• Never smoke or allow a spark or flame
in the vicinity of the battery or engine.
Batteries generate explosive gases.
• Neutralize any acid spills thoroughly
with baking soda before attempting to
clean up.