Toxic Vapors
Compressed Air
i i • , ......
Compressed air from this unit
may cenlain poisonous carbon
Certain sprayed materials Such
as paints, weed killer, sand, in-
secticides, etc., may be harmful if
used in a closed area or ifinhaled.
Compressed air may propel dirt,
metal shavings, etc. and result in
possible injury.
Never directly inhale the compressed air
produced by this unit.
Be certain to read labels when spraying
paints or poisons.
Use a mask or respirator whenever there is a
chance that you might inhale anything that
you are spraying. Read all instructions so
that you know that your mask will protect you
from what you are spraying.
iiiiii Jlll,lllllll
J_JUULII II I,II,,, IIIIII . • ..........................................
Model No. 919.176210 919,176311
Never point any nozzle or sprayer toward a
person or any part of the body.
Always wear safety goggles or glasses when
IIIII _ iiiii
................ i,ii1,1iii
919.176320 " 919,176330
Displacement CFM
Voltage-Single Phase
Branch Circuit Min, Requirements
2 3
11.7 14.0
23/,=- 27/e-
2" 2"
220-24.0 220-240
15 amp 15 amp
1 1
9.2 9.2
2_/=" 2_/,,,
2" 2"
"110-220 "110-220
20 amp 15 amp
"Fuse Type "Fusetron" Type T "Fusetron" Type T
Amperage at Max Pressure 19.5 15.5
Air Tank Capacity 12 gel 12 gal ASME
Approximam Cut-in Pressure -'80" psig B0 psig
Approximate Cut-out Pressure 100 psig 100 psig
SCFM at 125 psig _ -
100 psig f 5.6 5.6
90 psig 6.0 6.0
40 psig 7.3 73
II,ILUU_ ............ i I II IIIIIIIII ii
"Fusetron" Type T "Fusetron" Type T
12.4 14.4
20 gel ASME 30 gal ASME
100 psig 100 psig
125 psig 125 psig
6,4 75
7.5 8.5
9.0 10.3
Jill lUll
"Models 919.176210 &919.176311, 1HP motor isdual voltage, 110-!20 and 220-240 volt, Itis wired for 110-120 voltbut can beconverted to
220.240 volt operation. Instructions forconnecting the motor for operation at 220-240 volt can be found printed on the inside of the
motor cover or on the nameplate of motor.
"A c/muir breaker is also acceptable.
MODEL #919.178311 (1 HP) air compressor can be oper-
ated on a 15amp circuit provided the following conditions
t) Voltage supply to circuit Is normal,
2) Circuit Is not used to supply any Other electrical needs
(appliances, lights, etc,)
3) Extension cords comply with specifications in manual.
4) Circuit Is equipped with 15 amp circuit breaker or 15
amp "'Fusetron" Type T time delay fuse.
If any of the above conditions cannot be met or If the
operation of the compressor repeatedly cause interrup-
tion of the power J!may be necessary to operate It from a
20 amp circuit.
When converting 1 HP models to 220-240 volt operation,
the attached three-prong 110-120 volt plug must be
replaced with a three-prong 220-240 volt plug (purchase
loCally) or order line ©ord Part No. SUDL-404-1.
SCFM (Standard Cubic Feet per Minute):
Unit of measure of air delivery
PSIG (Pounds per Square inch Gauge):
Unit of measure of pressure