
Will not start
Hard to start
1. Out of fuel.
2. Eng qe net"CHOKED" propeny
3. Eng qe flooded
4. Bad spark plug
5 Dirty air filter
6 Dirty fuei filter
Water in fue
8 Loose or damagea wtnng.
9 Carburetor out of ad Js[mem
!0 Engine valves ou[ of ad us[men[
DIrt_ air filter
2 Bad spark ptug
3 Weak or dead battery
a Dirt_ fuel filter
5 Stale or did fuel
6. Loose or damagea wrong.
Carburetor out of adius[mem.
8 Engine va yes out of aa Js[men_
1 Fill fuel tank.
2. See "TO START ENGINE" in Operation sectior
3. Wait several minutes before attemoting to start
4 Replace spark plug.
5. Clean/replace air filter
6. Re_ ace fuel filter
Drain fuel tank and carburetc - refill tank with fresP
gaso,ne ann replace fuel filler.
8 Check a_Iwiring
g Contact an authorized sewice center/deeartmenl
10 Contact an au[norlzea service cen_er/aeear_men_
. can/roe ace air fill
.. ReDiace seark p_ug
3 Recharge or rep ace _3a[tery.
Reelace fuel finer
5. Drain rue lank ana reTlll with fres
6 Check all wiring.
7. Corltac'_ an autpor_zed service center/departmenT
8 CorlTac_ an aU[Forized service cen[e_/{]eDBLr[men!
Engine wilt not turn over
! Clutch/brake aedaf not oepressea
2 _,ttachment clutch is engagea
3 Weak or dead DaEery.
4 Blown fuse.
5 Corroded battery terminals
6 _oose or aam_ _ea wrong
Faolb! _gntuon swl[cn
8 Fau% solenola or starter
9 =aulty opera[or presence swl[cr esl.
Depress clutch/brake oeaal
2 Disengage aTtacnmem c_u[cn.
3 Recharge or reelace Da_ery
,_ ReDlace fuse.
Clean batter_ _erm_na_s.
o Check all wlnng
ChecWrep_ace _gnJ[fonswJ[cn.
ChecWreelace soleno_a or s_arter
g Contact an authorized service cemer/aeE _r[men[
Engine clicks but will not
Loss of power
1 Weak or dead baEery.
2 Corroded battery terminals
3. Loose or aamagea wiring.
4 Faulty solenoid or starter.
1 Cuttinc [oo mucn ]rass/too fast.
2. Throttle m CHOKE" oosmon
Build*up or grass eaves ann _rasn unoer mower
1. Recharge or reelace Dot[ely.
2. Clean Da_er_ [ermmals
3 Check all wiring.
4. Check/realace soieno_a or s[arter.
1. Set in "Higher Cut oosl[ion/reGuce sDeed
2 AcJus_ :nroEle centre
C earl underside of mower housing
Excessive vibration
Dirty a_r_ter
',: _ow oil levevalr[y ,_[
6 Fault, spark p_ug
Dirt_ fuel filter
8 Stale or d;rt, fue
9 Water _nfuel.
1C SDatk ptug w_re 3ose
Dirty engine a_rscreen/fins
12 Dirty/clogged muffler.
13 _oose or aamagea wrong.
_ Carburetor out of ad ]s[menL
I_J Engine valves ou_of ad Jstmen[
Worn oenl or loose Diane
2 Bent blade manare_
3 Loose/qamagea part(s
Clean/reel _ce air filter
S CheCK oq level/c_ange o_
Clean anq regae or cnange sparK p_ug
ReDmce fuel filter
8 .'Dra_nh:e lank anu r_411with fresh gasoline
# Dram fuel tank and carburetor refill tank wig fresh
gasoune aria replace fuel filter
10 Connect and tighten sParK DJLJOw_re
" " Clean eng}ne a_r sc_een/fins
12 Clean/re#lace muffle_
13 Check all wiring
1_ Contact an au_nonzed senace censer/eel 3rfmen[
15 Cor]t _cI at} aulhorized service cen[er/_er _r[mon[
Re[_ace blade. Tigmen Dlaoe DOll
2 Re[ ._c_ D_Oe m_ncJre
] Tighten 9ose Dartis R_.Dlace aamagea EE_rtS