
Sega G-80 Multigame, Version 1.0 Copyright © 1998, Clay Cowgill
Technical information:
This info is for any of you technical-types that want to make your own speech-switchers, sound
switchers, or whatever. You’ll notice that the Daughtercard has an expansion header on it. This gives
you access to two 8-bit output latches. Holding the Daughtercard so that the Z-80 is on the right, the
header pinout is as follows:
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
+5V Latch2 Latch2 Latch2 Latch2 Latch2 Latch2 Latch2 Latch2 GND
+5V Latch1 Latch1 Latch1 Latch1 Latch1 Latch1 Latch1 Latch1 GND
D7 is the most significant bit, D0 is the least significant bit. As games are selected the following values
are placed on Latch1:
snd_map: ; D7654 3210
.db h'10 ; star trek 0001 0000 (USB)
.db h'21 ; eliminator 0010 0001 (elim/zek)
.db h'42 ; space fury 0100 0010 (sf)
.db h'13 ; tac/scan 0001 0011 (USB)
.db h'24 ; zektor 0010 0100 (elim/zek)
.db h'25 ; elim 2p 0010 0101 (elim/zek)
.db h'26 ; elim 4p 0010 0110 (elim/zek)
.db h'47 ; sf (original) 0100 0111 (sf)
.db h'10 ; self test