Illumination Light source Condition (Example) Time required for Time required for Time required for
1 x (LUX) fully charging the charging the charging the
watch watch to start watch to run for
moving at one- one day
second intervals
Incandescencent light
60W 60cm — — 5 hours
700 Fluorescent light General offices — — 3 hours
1000 Fluorescent light 30W 70cm — 120 hours 2 hours
3000 Fluorescent light 30W 20cm 90 hours 30 hours 30 minutes
5000 Fluorescent light 30W 12cm 70 hours 24 hours 24 minutes
10000 Fluorescent light 30W 5cm 25 hours 8 hours 9 minutes
10000 Sunlight Cloudy day 25 hours 8 hours 9 minutes
100000 Sunlight Sunny day 8 hours 2 hours 3 minutes
(Under direct
sunlight on a
summer day)
The figures in the table above refer to the time required to charge the stopped watch by exposure to light until the
watch moves at steady one-second intervals, through two-second intervals and five-second intervals.
Even if the watch is partially charged for a period shorter than the time provided in the above table, it will resume
one-second interval movement; however the one-second interval movement will change to two-second interval
movement shortly. To avoid this and charge the watch to a sufficient level, use the charging time mentioned above
as a measure.
*The required charging time slightly varies depending on the model of the watch.
This watch is a solar-powered watch containing a solar cell underneath the dial to convert any
form of light into "electrical energy” and store the power in a secondary battery.
To enjoy optimal performance
of this watch, it is recommended
that the watch be kept sufficiently
charged at all times.
*Before initially using the watch
or when the watch has stopped
as a result of complete depletion
of stored power, charge the watch
*The table above is only provided as an approximation.