Using the “Conference Manager” software
̈ Select the shape of the rectangles or circles from the “Proportion of Table”
drop-down list.
The thumbnail displays the selected shape.
̈ Click “OK”.
The desired number of rectangles or circle
s is placed on the canvas.
Moving graphic objects ̈ Select the desired object on t
he canvas.
The object appears with a bounding box (dotte
d line) around it. Objects that
cannot be selected are locked (see page 84).
̈ Move the object to the desired position.
Resizing graphic objects To resize rectangles, circles, lines or paths:
̈ Select the desired object
on the canvas.
The object appears with a bounding box (dotted line) and bounding box
handles around it.
̈ Place the mouse pointer on the desired bounding box handle.
The mouse pointer changes to a hand
̈ Resize the object as needed.
Rotating objects ̈ Select the desired object on t
he canvas.
The selected object is outlined with a dotted line. The “Form” box appears.
̈ Select the desired rotation angle from the “Angle” drop-down list.
̈ Enter the desired rotation angle into the “Angle” drop-down list box.
Newly placed objects can cover existing objects. In
this case, c
hange the
order of the objects by sending them to the front or back (see page 81).
If you want to move several objects simultaneously, position the mouse
pointer on the canvas, then click and hold down the left mouse button
while you draw a box around the objects to be moved. Alternatively, hold
down the “CTRL” key and click the desired objects one after the other.
You can also select all objects on the canvas by clicking “Edit” > “Select
all” in the menu bar (or by pressing the key combination “CTRL” + “a”).
Use the grid lines to align the objects (see page 83).