Rate Temp.
Segment °F/°C °F/°C Hold
1 500/277 1450/788 00.00
2 100/55 700/371 00.00
The first segment is the heating segment. The second
one is the cooling segment. The controller does not use mi
nus numbers for cooling.Just enter a lowertarget tempera
ture than that of the previous segment.
If you prop the lid or door for a fast cooling, program a
fast coolingrate forthat segment.If youlower thetempera
ture quickly by propping the lid but program a slow cooling
rate, the controller will just raise the temperature again.
Example:Some glassartists flash-coolthe glassjust after
it fuses. They open the door a few inches to remove heat,
then close it again. This takes the glass down rapidly
through the devitrification range. To program a flash-cool,
use maximum rate.This shuts off theheating elementsdur
ing that segment, allowing the kiln to cool rapidly.
Note: During fast cooling, do not open the door all the
way. Do not force-cool the kiln with a fan.
Note: You may get an FTL error message (page 12) if
you program a cool-down target temperature that is
close to room temperature. This is because the kiln
cools more slowly as it approaches room temperature,
causing the error code.
A Ramp-Hold
Practice Program
To practice using the controller, wewill enter a program
that includes three segments. The last segment is a cooling
Using the programming instructions on the next page,
enter this firing schedule. Then use Program Review (page
4) to check for accuracy.
rA1 = 250
HLd 1 = 00.00
rA2 = 900
°F 2 = 1425
HLd 2 = 00.30
rA3 = 150
HLd 3 = 00.00
rA4 = 0000 (zeroes cancel segments 4-8)
Make asimplechart likethe oneabove whenplanning afir
ing program.
You can make your own firing programs and store them
in the controller’s memory. A firing program tells the kiln
how fastto fire,and towhat temperature.The simplestpro
gram is one segment. You can use up to 8 segments with
your controller in Ramp-Hold mode.
Each segment includes a firing rate and firing tempera
ture.You canalsosoak, orhold, thetemperature fora spec
ified period.
The Parts of a Segment
Rate (temperature change in degrees per hour)
Target temperature
Hold at the target temperature (not always used)
The controllercan retainfour programsin memoryeven
when power is turned off. Programs are numbered Pro1 -
The first messageto appearafter you plugin your Sentry
Xpress is . Press . Then use the key
to scroll through these messages:
To use Ramp-Hold mode for the first time, select
. You do that by pressingthe keyafter
appears. Then follow the boxed instructions on page 8 to
enter temperature, heating rate, etc.
is Program 1. When you fire the kiln again, you
can repeat Program 1 by selecting . (See page 4.)
When you are ready to fire a different program, select
, whichis Program 2.Then entertemperatures, heat
ing rates, etc. Select Program 3 and 4 the same way.
Aprogram canhaveup to8 segments,but youdon’t have
to use all 8 segments. Use only the number needed per fir
ing. Oftenone segmentis allyou willneed. Zeroout theun
used segments. The instructions on page 8 explain how to
do that.
To over-write a program, select it and enter new rates
andtemperatures.This automaticallyover-writes theprevi
ous program.Write downyour programs ina notebookand
record firing results for all firings.
Programming a
Cooling Segment
For controlled cooling, program a segment to a lower
target temperature than that of the preceding segment.
Example: You fire at a rate of 500°F per hour to 1450°F
with your first segment. You want the kiln to cool at a rate
of 100°F per hour down to 700°F. Here is how you would
program the two segments: