RC12 12/05 Maintenance Section 5-8
© 2004 Alamo Group Inc.
Cutter Shaft Removal
Support and block cutter shaft at both ends of bearings and support the shaft which is being removed under
the drive side. Remove outer bearing as outlined in the Maintenance Section, page 5-7. Remove knockout
which is fastend by 2-1/2" bolts. Remove free end skid.
Shaft may drop or slide toward center and cause injury. Add sufficient support under both
Use floor jack to lower the non-drive end of the cutter shaft. Remove bearing from drive end,page 5-7. Use
floor jack to support drive end inside deck. Move toward free end to losen. It is not necessary to remove shaft if
only bearing is being serviced.
The center bearing is locked to the cutter shaft at two points (3). These set screws align with dimpled holes in
the shaft and are “locktighted” in place. Remove both set screws. Both are secured with thread locking
compound and may require considerable pressure to loosen. Clean shaft and remove any burrs before
attempting to slide bearing outward on shaft.
To install the bearing, slide bearing over shaft and align set screws with dimples in shaft. Tighten both set
screws securely to shaft. Lock with both set of set screws, apply a thread locking compound. Installation of
shaft assembly is reverse of removal procedure.
To replace outboard bearing, remove belt and top pulley assembly as outlined in Maintenance Section, page 5-
4. Clean all burrs from shaft and remove bearing and lock collar as outlined in Maintenance Section, page 5-7.
Inner bearing can be replaced either by following above procedure and sliding shaft outward or by unbolting
entire drive assembly.
Note: On 20' models, pulley shaft is stepped down at bearing journals and cannot be slid through without
unbolting bearing assembly.
To replace inner bearing or top drive u-joints, first remove belt , pivot bolts and inboard mount weldment before
sliding entire assembly toward pulley side. It may be necessary to remove set screws which lock top shaft to
pulley shaft. There are no locking screws located on spline side by gear box.