
Consolidated and Individual Reports
The system can generate two types of sales reports: consolidated reports (reports on all or
specified machines in the system) and individual reports (reports on an individual machine). At
the master, you can generate consolidated reports on all or specified satellites and reports on
the master itself. At each satellite, you can generate certain reports on the satellite.
1. Operating modes
X1/Z1 mode: Daily sales reading (X1) and resetting (Z1) reports.
X2/Z2 mode: Periodic consolidation reading (X2) and resetting (Z2) reports.
OP XZ mode: Individual server daily sales reading (X) and resetting (Z) reports.
2. Job number*
Each job number is expressed as “XYnn” according to the table below.
Job number: XYnn
Entry Category of report
X 0 Individual report
1 Consolidated report
0 Server report in the OP XZ mode
Y 1 Daily sales report (X1 or Z1)
2 Periodic sales report (X2 or Z2)
nn Item code*
* An item code corresponds to the lower two digits of each job number listed in the tables on the
following pages.