
7.175 (Average for data x)
0.973579551 (Standard deviation for data x)
0.91070028 (Standard deviation of the population for data x)
9.875 (Average for data y)
3.440826313 (Standard deviation for data y)
3.218598297 (Standard deviation of the population for data y)
8 (Total count of data)
57.4 (Sum of data x)
418.48 (Sum of data x raised to the second power)
544.1 (Sum of the product of data x and data y)
79 (Sum of data y)
863 (Sum of data y raised to the second power)
Let’ s check the results based on the previous data.
C alculates the sum of the product for sample data x and sample data y.
C alculates the sum of the data (sample data y).
C alculates the sum of the data (sample data y) raised to the second power .
C alculates the average value of the data (sample data y).
In addition to the 1-variable statistic keys, the following keys have been added for calcu-
lating 2-variable statistics.
C alculates the standard deviation of a data population (sample data y).
C alculates the standard deviation for the data (sample data y).
N OT E :
The codes for basic statistical quantities of sample data x and their meanings
are the same as those for single-variable statistical calculations.
A N S ” K E Y S F O R 2 -V A R I A B L E S T AT I S T I C S