Sierra Products, Inc.
5061 Brooks St., Ste B
Montclair, CA 91763
(909) 399-3355
performance and will withstand normal woodstove
temperatures. However, like most glass, it will break if
struck with sufficient force, so be careful when loading
wood. You can break your glass by jamming a log against
it or by attempting to push a log into eh fire with the stove
door. Never load your Sierra stove with combustible
materials. Even the smallest explosions in a small airtight
stove may blow out the glass.
Inspect the glass regularly for cracks or breaks. If you find
one, obtain a new glass from your dealer or SIERRA.
Always use the fiberglass window gasket supplied with the
replacement glass.
Your Sierra Stove has a Limited Five-Year Warranty.
Please read it carefully, fill out the short registration form
and return it, within 30 days of purchase, to
Sierra Products, Inc., 5061 Brooks St. Ste. B
Montclair, CA 91763.
Keep a Hotter Fire for Cleaner Glass - Here are nine
hints for keeping your window glass as clean as possible.
1. A hotter fire near the window keeps it clean (don’t
expect any stove window to stay perfectly clean)
2. Add a log or two frequently, avoid a smoldering fire.
3. Move burning logs to window area, add new logs
4. Encourage a hot burn when adding logs.
5. Use dryer wood - green wood stains glass.
6. To clean window when dirty, burn a hot fire.
7. Or use a damp rag to wipe window, but be sure to avoid
a steam burn.
8. Keep air intakes clean for a good wash of air.
9. Stir ashes as little as possible.
By following the manufacturer’s recommendations your
Sierra Stove will give you years of service