High efficiency, cast-iron gas boiler
A smarter choice for informed
The boiler you choose for your home now will
affect your family’s comfort--and pocketbook--for
many years to come. Sentry boilers provide a
blend of efficiency and reliability that will keep your
home comfortably warm and your fuel costs low
year after year. A new Sentry boiler can save up to
30% or more on fuel bills compared to a typical old
boiler operating at 60% efficiency.
• AGA input:
“S”models 34,000 to 150,000 Btu/hr
“ SX”models 150,000 to 210,000 Btu/hr
• Low clearance
• Standing pilot or intermittent ignition.
• Saves energy. AFUE to 84.4%
Sentry is ideal for a wide variety of gas boiler
requirements, as a replacement or for new
installations. Its advanced design provides
years of trouble-free, high efficiency operation
while providing easy installation, even in sites
with low chimney connections or low over-
head clearance.
Sentry is a reliable natural draft boiler. Many boil-
ers resort to pulsing or condensing technologies,
copper fin-tubes and thermal bypass valves to
attain acceptable efficiency. Sentry achieves high
efficiency with fewer components, so there's less
chance of part failure or losing your heat. Sentry’s
efficiency to 84.4% is among the highest in the
industry. Sentry’s heat exchanger is made of quali-
ty cast-iron and assembled with durable metal
push nipples. It's so reliable it comes with a lifetime
limited warranty. Sentry boilers respond quickly to
your thermostat’s call for heat, sending heat within
moments to radiators throughout your home.
Low profile makes problem installations easy.
All “S” and “SX” models permit installation in sites with low
chimney breeching or low overhead clearance.
The Sentry boiler fits into replacement sites with low
chimney breeching or low overhead clearance.
The Sentry “S” models include an integral draft diverter
and do not require a draft hood. They fit into replacement
sites with overhead clearance or chimney breeching as
low as 38
⁄2 in. above the floor.* This is nearly a foot and a
half less clearance than required by typical natural draft
boilers. The rear flue outlet on “S” models keeps the vent
pipe out of the way of water and gas piping. Installation is
faster and trimmer. “SX” models utilize an external draft
The computer-aided design of Sentry’s venting system
enables “S” and “SX” models to perform effectively under a
wide range of draft conditions. Sentry is one of the indus-
try’s most versatile and durable high efficiency boilers.
*See installation instructions for specific applications and clearances.
“S” model with integral
draft diverter
“SX” model with external
draft hood