Entering MET Level:
1. The Dot matrix screen will scroll, “ENTER MET“.
2. The METS LED lights up and the MODE-1 window will show a blinking “1.00”. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to set the MET
level from 1.00 to 16.0.
3. Press ENTER to accept.
Now you have completed the personal data input. Press the START button to begin the workout and start pedaling. Press
STOP twice to return to the POWER ON status.
The FAT BURNING program provides a consistent level of work during your exercise session. Exercising at this consistent
level is more effective in the fat burning process.
When the console is in POWER ON status, press the FAT BURNING program button. The Dot Matrix will display a scrolling
“FAT BURNING”. Press the ENTER button to select the program then the Dot Matrix will show “ENTER AGE”.
Accepting Default User Data or Entering the Personal Data:
1. The user may press START/resume to accept the current default values and begin the workout.
2. Enter the programming procedure by following the prompts out-lined below.
Entering Age:
1. The Dot matrix screen will scroll, “ENTER AGE“.
2. The AGE LED lights up and the MODE-1 window will show a blinking “35”. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to set the user age.
3. Press ENTER to accept.
Entering Weight:
1. The Dot matrix screen will scroll, “ENTER WEIGHT“.
2. The WEIGHT LED lights up and the MODE-2 window will show a blinking “150” (lb). Press the ▲ or ▼ button to set the
user weight.
3. Press ENTER to accept.
Entering Time:
1. The Dot matrix screen will scroll, “ENTER TIME“.
2. The TIME LED lights up and the MODE-1 window will show a blinking “30:00”. Press the ▲ or ▼ button to set the
workout time.
3. Press ENTER to accept.
Entering Intensity Level:
1. The Dot matrix screen will scroll, “ENTER LEVEL“.
2. The METS/Level LED lights up and the MODE-1 window will show “1”. There are 9 different workout levels you can
select by pressing the ▲ or ▼ button.
3. Press ENTER to accept.
Now you have completed the personal data input. Press START to begin the workout and start pedaling. Press STOP twice
to return to the POWER ON status.
The INTERVAL program helps to build the strength of your cardiovascular system. By alternating the workload from high to
low, your heart gets an effective workout.
When the console is in POWER ON status, press the INTERVAL program button. The Dot Matrix will display a scrolling
“INTERVAL”. Press the ENTER button to select the program then the Dot Matrix will show “ENTER AGE”.
Accepting Default User Data or Entering the Personal Data:
1. The user may press START/resume to accept the current default values and begin the workout.
2. Enter the programming procedure by following the prompts out-lined below.