■ Power-on zeroing
During the power-on procedure, the weight values
sent by the weighing devices are zeroed until they
are less than 50% of the max. weighing range. This
tares the empty bed and the weight display goes
to zero.
■ Manual zeroing
Manual zeroing corrects minor devia-
tions from zero, e.g. caused by soiling
on the scale. The following character
appears in the icon bar when the dis-
play indicates zero: >0<.
Zero range approvable and non-approved: 1% to
+3% of the weighing range.
If zeroing is not possible, the error message "Value
above zero range limit" or "Value below zero range
limit" appears for two seconds in the display.
■ x10 (times 10) display
Shows the weight value with
an additional decimal place at
ten times the resolution. Switch
to the x10 display by pressing
ENTER and then the ZEROING
key simultaneously. According to the calibration
law, the x10 function may only be activated on ap-
provable scales for a short period of time. For this
reason, it s programmed so that the function is
switched off automatically after 5 seconds. The
message x10 appears in the icon bar as long as the
10-time higher display is selected. When the app-
liance is switched off, the function is deactivated.
■ Weighing and taring
Display view
■ Weighing with measured tare
Determine and tare a bed weight without patient.
Position the empty bed, including bedding, on the
scale. Press the TARE key. The tare value is saved
and the weight display goes to zero. Now the pati-
ent can be laid on the bed. The weight is displayed
with the message "Net".
Displaying the value in the tare memory
Press the INFO key to display the tare memory and
then the TARE key. Press the ZEROING key to termi-
nate the display.
Changing the tare value manually later
Display the tare value by pressing the INFO key and
then the TARE key. Enter the new value into the
KEYPAD. The ZEROING key cancels the input. Exi-
sting values are retained or new tare values are sa-
ved by pressing the TARE key. Confirm by pressing
ENTER and return to the application program.