Chapter 2: ZonePlayer Setup and Operation
Adding More Sonos Components
Add A ZonePlayer
If your house has structured (built-in) wiring, you can make a ‘wired’ connection to an
additional ZonePlayer. Otherwise, make a wireless connection.
1. Place the ZonePlayer in the room you have selected.
2. If you are making a wired connection, connect a standard Ethernet cable from
either your router, another ZonePlayer, or a ‘live’ network wall plate to any of the
Ethernet switch connections on the back of the new ZonePlayer. If you are making
a wireless connection, proceed to step 3.
3. If you are adding a ZonePlayer 100, attach speakers to your ZonePlayer (see "If you
are connecting a ZonePlayer 100"). If you are adding a ZonePlayer 80, connect to
an external amplified device (see "If you are connecting a ZonePlayer 80").
After you plug the ZonePlayer into a wall outlet, the Mute indicator and the
ZonePlayer Status indicator will begin to flash. (If this ZonePlayer was previously
Caution: Do not place any items on top of your ZonePlayer. This may impede the
air flow and cause your ZonePlayer to overheat.