Chapter 5 Control From Editing
Control Units
Chapter 5 Control From Editing Control Units
Notes on Operation
Editing point delay
Because the DFS-700/700P has a built-in frame synchronizer, output of
player VCR edit points set on the BVE-900/910/2000 is delayed by 1
frame, so that recording begins with the previous frame. However,
recorder edit points are not delayed.
Example: If the IN point of the player VCR is set to 00:00:10:15,
recording begins from 00:00:10:14.
If you are using a BVE-2000 with a ROM version of 2.00 or higher, in
the DIGITAL EFFECT DELAY item to 01 so that the BVE-2000
compensates for the delay automatically.
Executing effects in the reverse direction
•To execute an effect in the reverse direction from the BVE-900/910, add
3000 to the DFS-700/700P effect pattern number. However, add 500 to
the pattern numbers of user program effects (pattern numbers 9000 and
To execute effect 25 in the reverse direction, specify pattern number
To execute effect 9203 in the reverse direction, specify pattern number
•To execute an effect in the reverse direction from the BVE-2000, add a
minus sign (–) before the DFS-700/700P pattern number.
To execute effect 25 in the reverse direction, specify effect pattern
number –25.
Effect intervals
Effects cannot be executed if there is no interval between transitions, as
shown below in figure (a).
Be sure to leave an interval of at least two frames or more between
transitions, as shown in figure (b).
Minimum interval between transitions
Transition Transition Transition
TransitionAt least two
Control From the BVE-900/2000 Series
Chapter 5 Control From Editing
Control Units
Chapter 5 Control From Editing Control Units
Control Using GPI Signals
You can combine the DFS-700/700P with any editing control unit capable
of GPI signal output to carry out A/B roll editing using two players and
one recorder.
You can use one GPI signal to execute DFS-700/700P effects, and a
second GPI signal to turn the downstream key function on and off.
Make the following preparations to control the DFS-700/700P using GPI
signals output by the editing control unit.
For details about operation, refer to the manuals supplied with your
editing control unit.
On the DFS-700/700P
•In page 1 of the setup menu, set F3(PORTS) to “GPI”.
•Press the EDITOR button on the control panel, turning it on.
(This button is lit when the DFS-700/700P is powered on.)
On the recorder VCR
•Set the recorder VCR so that it enters PB (playback) mode when stopped.
(If the VCR has a selector for PB or PB/EE, set it to PB.)
•If the VCR has a built-in TBC, set the VCR to DELAYED SYNC mode.
On the editing control unit
•Set the GPI signal output timing to 3 frames before the IN point.
•Set the GPI signal pulse length to at least 1 frame.
•To display the background image during or after a transition, press an
appropriate BACKGROUND bus button on the DFS-700/700P.
•Because the DFS-700/700P has a built-in frame synchronizer, output of
player VCR edit points set on the editing control unit is delayed by 1
frame, so that recording begins with the previous frame. However,
recorder edit points are not delayed. For example, if the IN point of the
player VCR is set to 00:00:10:15, recording begins from 00:00:10:14.