Video Switching
Chapter 3 Operations
Basic downstream key operations
The basic procedure for downstream keying is as follows.
Inserting a downstream key
In order to use a downstream key for text or graphics, it must first be imported
onto the internal hard disk of this unit. You can use the alpha channel of a
graphics file in targa format as the key source, which allows high-quality
downstream keying.
For details on importing a graphics file, see “Importing Graphics Files” (page 175).
Press INT in the NEXT selection buttons.
The INT source selection menu appears.
Use the jog roller to select a graphics file displayed in the lower part of the
INT source selection menu, and confirm.
The selected graphics file appears in the “INT” source viewer.
DSK (downstream) key
Select the image to be impated.
Select a graphics file from the INT source
selection menu.
Press the DSK button to insert the key.
Color Bar
Color Matte
Lum 0
Sat 0
Hue 0
Text Typing Tool F5
B ccccccccc
Graphics files