4-4. Basic Setup Procedures
4-4. Basic Setup Procedures
1. Identify all in/out signals, and segregate them into 16 types of sources and destinations
(1) Make IN/OUT list of each routing switcher
Make input/output list of each routing switcher referring to installation, or wiring diagram or other
documentation showing router interconnection. Figure 1 shows an example of a 3 router system. It is
composed of an SDI, AES/EBU, and a Analog routing switcher.
At this time consider the mnemonics that can be assigned to each of the inputs or outputs.
The DVS series routing switcher can accept up to 16 unique, 4 letter (maximum) pre-fix names, such as
CG, VT, VTR, CAM, NET, SAT, BARS, TONE, etc.. The default mnemonics are IN for the input side,
and OUT for the output side.
Type Name = Mnemonics
Each pre-fix type can have 1000 items associated with it (VTR000, VTR001, ....VTR999). These 16 pre-
fixes you generate will be used on both the input, and output sides. What this means is that each input, or
output to the routing switcher will be referred to in a “Type + number” format (see the examples in the
upper right hand corner of figure 1.
The same name (such as VTR001) can be assigned to a input, and to an output of the routing switcher.
But, a unique name can only be used once per input, and output. It is important that you consider careful-
ly your naming convention now, as it will be carried throughout the rest of the setup, and will be the name
displayed on control panels, and other displays. Actual Source and Destination descriptive names are
decided later.
There is a second naming convention that can be used in place of the “Type + number” format.
But it is necessary to first enter names under the just mentioned format, and add the second set of names
later (they do not erase the “Type + number” set). The second approach is called Descriptive Names. It
is explained in step 9.
Example :
Generic Source Name Connector Router Source Name
CAMERA 1 17 CAM001
CAMERA 2 18 CAM002
VTR 1 1 VTR001
VTR 2 2 VTR002
Generic Destination Name Connector Router Destination Name
VTR 1 1 VTR001
VTR 2 2 VTR002
VTR 3 3 VTR003
VTR 4 4 VTR004