7 To set the paper orientation or other
print options, click “Properties.”
The “Properties” dialog box of the
selected printer is displayed. The printer
driver of this unit utilizes the Universal
Printer Driver, a Microsoft common
printer driver. In the dialog boxes, there
are some items that are not used within
this unit.
8 In the “Layout” tab, specify the
paper orientation or other options.
9 Click “Advanced.”
The “Sony DPP-F700 Advanced Options”
dialog box is displayed.
Items Description
Orientation Select the orientation of an
image when printed:
• Portrait
• Landscape
Page Order Select the order of the pages
when printed:
• Front to Back
• Back to Front
Pages Per
Specify the number of copies
per sheet to be printed. Select
Advanced Specifies the paper size or
other options.
Items Description
• Paper Size: From the drop-
down list box, select the paper
size you actually use for
printing: P size/L size
Note: L size print paper is not
sold in some regions.
• Copy Count: Specify the
number of copies to be
Graphic -
Color Man-
• ICM Method: This unit does
not support the ICM method
settings. Even if you select an
option other than “ICM
Disabled,” the printed results
will not reflect the setting.
Leave the option as it is.
• ICM Intent: This unit does not
support the ICM Intent
settings. Leave the option as it