
Landing Rough Adjustment
1. Enter the full white signal. (or the full black dots signal).
2. Adjust the contrast to the maximum.
3. Make the screen monogreen.
Note: Off the outputs from R ch and B ch of SG.
4. Reverse the DY, and adjust coarsely the purity magnet so
that a green raster positions in the center of screen.
5. Adjust the tilt of DY, and fix lightly with a clamp.
Note: “TILT” shall be set at 128.
Landing Fine Adjustment
1. Put the set inside the Helmholtz coil. (“LCC SW” = “12”)
2. Input the single green signal and set the CONT control to
Note: After the W/B adjustment with 9300K, measure an aver-
age of ΣIk when a full white signal is entered in the CONT
MAX/BRT CENT status. Then make adjustment so that
the specified screen can be attained after aging for 2 hours
with Ik equivalent to 30% of the average value.
3. Demagnetize the metal part of the chassis with the hand de-
gausser and coil degausser, and the CRT surface with the
hand degausser.
Input AC 230V to AC IN, turn on and off the power to per-
form auto degaussing. (Perform auto degaussing by setting
“MON CON REG2”=152. Return to the original value after
Demagnetize the CRT surface with the hand degausser
(1) Hand degauss
must be used on stand-by or power-off condi-
This model has an automatic earth magnetism correction
function by using an earth magnetism sensor and a LCC coil.
When using a hand degauss while monitor (LCC coil) is be-
ing operated, it sometimes gets magnetized, and the system
may not work properly as a result.
(2) Adjust in a non-magnetic field. BV=45uT.
(3) If adjusting in a magnetic fields, add the shift from the non-
magnetic field in your estimation.
4. Attach the wobbling coil to the designated part of the CRT
5. Attach the sensor of the landing adjustment unit on the CRT
6. Adjust the DY position and purity, and the DY tilt, and land-
ing of the center and 4 corners with the landing checker.
Write terrestrial magnetism sensor reading VX and VY to
“LCC VX” and LCC VY” respectively. Adjust the land-
ing by moving “LCC NS”, “LCC LT”, “LCC LB”, “LCC
RT” and “LCC RB”. However, the register adjustment
must be limited within the following range.
“LCC NS” 128 ± 15
128 ± 40
After adjustment, set “LCC SW” to “13” and save the ser-
vice data.
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
± 6 ± 4 ± 6
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
Adjust so that the green is within
the specification given right.
Adjust target : within ± 1
The red and blue must be within
the specification given right with
respect to the green.
A difference between red and blue
must be within the specification
given right.
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
0 ± 5 0 ± 5 0 ± 5
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
10 10 10
10 7 10
10 10 10
* Adjustment and measurement should be made at the points
one inch inside the fluorescent screen.
7. Insert wedges to make the DY neck stand upright without
moving it.
At this time, without shaking the DY, firmly insert the
8. Check the landing of each corner, and if it does not satisfy
the specification, adjust the landing of four corners using
“LCC LT“, “LCC LB”, “LCC RT” and “LCC RB”.
However, the register adjustment must be limited within the
following range.
“LCC NS” 128 ± 15
128 ± 40
After adjustment, save the service data.
If it does not yet satisfy the specification, paste a Disk-Mg
onto the funnel and adjust.
(1) Do not paste more than two magnets on one corner.
(2) Magnets will be placed in a range 80 ~ 100 mm from the DY
along diagonal lines.
(3) After placing magnets, absolutely hand degauss and check
the results. (Hand degauss must be used on stand-by or
power-off condition.)
9. Remove the sensor and wobbling coil.
10. Switch the signal to R.G.B., and check that each color is
11. Check that the DY is not tilting, and fix the purity Mg with a
white pen.
Note: Hand degauss
must be used on stand-by or power-off condition.
This model has an automatic earth magnetism correction function by using an earth magnetism sensor
and a LCC coil. When using a hand degauss while monitor (LCC coil) is being operated, it sometimes
gets magnetized, and the system may not work properly as a result.