MPEG IMX playback: –1 to +3 times
normal speed (HDW-D1800 only)
Jog mode Still to ±1 times normal speed
Servo lock time 0.6 (59.94i, 29.97PsF)/0.7 (50i, 25PsF,
24PsF, 23.98PsF) seconds or less
(from standby on)
Load/unload time 6 seconds or less
Recommended tapes
HDCAM cassettes:
Digital Betacam cassettes (HDW-
D1800 only)
MPEG IMX cassettes (HDW-D1800
Digital video system
Digital video signal system
Sampling frequency
Y: 74.25 MHz
R–Y/B–Y: 37.125 MHz
Quantization 8 bits/sample
Compression Coefficient recording system
Channel coding S-I-NRZI PR-IV
Error correction Reed-Solomon code
Analog composite output
Bandwidth 0 to 5.75 MHz +0.5 dB/–3.0 dB
S/N ratio 53 dB or more
Differential gain 2% or less
Differential phase 2°or less
Y/C delay 20ns or less
K factor (2T pulse)
1% or less
Output SCH phase
Complies with RS-170A/CCIR R.624-
3 (adjustable from menus)
Digital audio system
Digital audio (CH1 to CH4) signal format
Sampling frequency
48 kHz (synchronized with video)
Quantization 20 bits/sample
Wow and flutter Below measurable level
Headroom 20 dB (or 18 dB, selectable)
Emphasis T1= 50 µs, T2=15 µs (on/off selectable
in recording mode)
Analog input/output (CH1 and CH2)
A/D, D/A quantization
20 bits/sample
Frequency response
20 Hz to 20 kHz, +0.5 dB/ –1.0 dB
(0 dB at 1 kHz)
Dynamic range 95 dB or more (at 1 kHz, emphasis on)
Distortion 0.05% or less (at 1 kHz, emphasis on,
reference level (+4 dBm))
Crosstalk –80 dB or less (at 1 kHz, between any
two channels)
Analog audio (CUE)
Frequency response
100 Hz to 12 kHz ±3 dB
S/N ratio 45 dB or more (at 3% distortion level)
Distortion 2% or less (THD 1 kHz, reference
Wow and flutter 0.2% rms or less
Digital Betacam playback
Digital Audio (CH1 to CH4)
Analog Audio (cue track)
Bandwidth Y
0 to 5.75 MHz +0.5 dB/–0.5 dB
–Y/B–Y 0 to 2.75 MHz +0.5 dB/–0.5 dB
S/N ratio 62 dB or more
K factor 1% or less
Frequency response
20 Hz to 20 kHz +0.5 dB/
–1.0 dB
Dynamic range 95 dB (at 1 kHz, emphasis on)
Distortion 0.05% rms or less (at 1 kHz, emphasis on)
Wow and flutter Below measurable level
Frequency response
100 Hz to 12 kHz +3 dB/–3 dB