Disk recorder (supporting Sony Disk 9-
pin protocol) 146, 190
Disk recorder (supporting Video Disk
Communications Protocol) 146, 190
DME Board Set (MKS-2470) 8
DME Upgrade Software (BZS-2470M)
8, 162
Double clicking 26
Downstream key 77
Downstream key/fade to black control
block 18
Drop border 83
DSK independent transition execution
section 19
DSK PVW button 19
Dust Mix 97
separate edge 105
softening 68
Edge (or border) 83
Edge menu 105
Editing Control Software (BZS-8050)
8, 162
Editing Keyboard (MKS-2050) 8
Editing Keyboard (MKS-8050) 8
non-transition effects 60
selecting 56
selecting from menus 58
selecting the background of a 2-
channel effect 52
selecting with the Flexi Pad
control block 57
transition effects 60
types 60
Effect direction
selecting from menus 72
selecting with the Effect/Wipe
control block 72
Effect dissolve 124
Effect modifier buttons 21
Effect pattern
arranging several examples 96
changing the aspect ratio 95
changing the position and size 63
modulation 96
rotation 95
specific transformations 103
transforming 95
Effect snapshot
deleting 104
recalling 104
saving 103
Effect/Wipe control block 20
ENABLE/UTILITY operation buttons
Enhanced group 59
Enter button
hexadecimal keypad window 36
keyboard window 38
numeric keypad window 35
page number input window 38
Event 127
Extended VTR 146, 191
External box 183
External device connection port setup
External device operations 145
Fade to black 93
Fader lever 17
non-sync state 74
File list (disk recorder/Extended VTR)
File operations 137
batch operating on data files 137
batch operating on data files of
selected categories 139
copying data files 143
deleting all data at once 138
deleting individual data files 142
deleting the data of selected
categories 140
loading all data at once 138
loading individual data files 140
loading the data of selected
categories 139
operating on individual data files
renaming data files 142
saving all data at once 137
saving individual data files 141
saving the data of selected
categories 139
Fine key function 105
Flexi Pad control block 19
Flip-flop mode 13, 175
Flow of operations
changing the position and size of
effect patterns 63
composing video with keys 76
executing transitions 73
fading the video to black 93
modifying video borders 66
preparing transitions 69
selecting effects 56
selecting transition types 53
selecting video 49
using internally generated signals
Format menu 153
Format settings 153
Format supported 7
Frame memory 119
Frame Memory Board Set (MKS-
2440) 8
Frame Memory menu 120
Delete menu 123
Freeze menu 120
Recall menu 122
Rename menu 122
Frame Memory Upgrade Software
(BZS-2440M) 8, 162
Freezing images 120
FTB button 18
Fwd button 30
GPI input/output setup 176
GPI inputs setting
control panel 178
switcher 176
GPI menu 176
GPI outputs
control panel 179
switcher 177
GPI outputs setting 177
H Modulation 96
HD system 169
Hexadecimal keypad window 35
HK-PSU02 8
HK-PSU11 8
Icons displayed on buttons 32
Illegal color limiter, setting 165
Initialization 165
Initialize menu 165
Input Adjust menu 166
Input reference signal 154
Input signal setup 166
Input string display 37
Input value display 38
Input video processing 112
Input/Output Connector Board (MKS-
2110M) 8
Input/Output menu 166
Installation key 162
Internally generated signals 88
Inverting key signals 105
Item display 37
Jog/shuttle mode 147