Pin No.
Pin Name
I/O Description
198 FS256
11.2896MHz clock signal output to the external A/D converter
199 NC
Ground terminal Clock signal input from the external VCO Not used
200 DVSS3
Ground terminal (for the DSP block)
201 DVDD3
Power supply terminal (for the DSP block) (+1.5V)
202 ADFG
ADIP duplex FM signal (20.05±1kHz) input from the RF amplifier
203 NC
Filter cut off control signal output terminal Not used
204 IFVDD3
Power supply terminal (for the microcomputer I/F block) (+2.3V)
205 IFVSS3
Ground terminal (for the microcomputer I/F block)
206 APCREF O Reference PWM signal output for the laser automatic power control to the RF amplifier
207 TRDR O Tracking servo drive PWM signal output (–) to the coil driver
208 TFDR O Tracking servo drive PWM signal output (+) to the coil driver
209 FFDR O Focus servo drive PWM signal output (+) to the coil driver
210 FRDR O Focus servo drive PWM signal output (–) to the coil driver
211 FS4 O 176.4kHz clock signal output to the power control
212 SPRD O Spindle motor drive control signal output (U) to the motor driver
213 SPFD O Spindle servo drive PWM signal output to the motor driver
214 SPDV O Spindle motor drive control signal output (V) to the motor driver
215 SPDW O Spindle motor drive control signal output (W) to the motor driver
216 SPCU I Spindle motor drive comparison signal input (U) from the motor driver
217 SPCV I Spindle motor drive comparison signal input (V) from the motor driver
218 SPCW I Spindle motor drive comparison signal input (W) from the motor driver
219 SRDR O Sled motor drive control signal output (U) to the motor driver
220 SFDR O Sled servo drive PWM signal output to the motor driver
221 SLDV O Sled motor drive control signal output (V) to the motor driver
222 SLDW O Sled motor drive control signal output (W) to the motor driver
223 DVSS4
Ground terminal (for the DSP block)
224 DVDD4
Power supply terminal (for the DSP block) (+1.5V)
225 SLCU I Sled motor drive comparison signal input (U) from the motor driver
226 SLCV I Sled motor drive comparison signal input (V) from the motor driver
227 SLCW I Sled motor drive comparison signal input (W) from the motor driver
228 IFVDD4
Power supply terminal (for the microcomputer I/F block) (+2.3V)
229 IFVSS4
Ground terminal (for the microcomputer I/F block)
230 EFMO O EFM encode data output for the record to the over write head drive
231 to
MNT0 to 2 O DSP monitor (0) to (2) output terminal Not used
234 MNT3 O Off track signal output from the DSP monitor (3)
235 SENSE O DSP internal status (DSP SENS monitor) signal output terminal Not used
236 TX O Record data output enable signal output monitor terminal of the DSP Not used
237 RECP O Laser power changeover signal output terminal Not used
Input terminal for the PCM data I/F/ ATRAC data I/F Not used
Input terminal for the PCM data I/F/ ATRAC data I/F Not used
Input terminal for the PCM data I/F/ ATRAC data I/F Not used
241 XERQ
Input terminal for the ATRAC data I/F Not used
242 A11
Address signal output terminal for D-RAM Not used
243 XOE
Output enable signal output terminal for D-RAM Not used
244 XWE
Data write enable signal output terminal for D-RAM Not used
245 TSTDR3
Test input terminal for D-RAM Not used