NW-E013/E015/E016/E013F/E015F/E016F.GB 3-093-019-11(1)
Playing Songs
Searching for Songs
You can search for songs by title of songs, artist, albums, and genre, etc.
/ button
/HOME button
Searching for songs by song name (Song)
The list of songs is displayed in alphabetical order, numerical order, or in some
other order.
Press and hold the /HOME button until the HOME menu appears.
Press the / button to select (Search), and then press the
button to conrm.
Press the / button to select “Song>,” and then press the
button to conrm.
The song lists appear.
Press the / button to select a song, and then press the
button to conrm.
The song you selected starts playback. Playback continues in order
through the last song and then pauses. After a few seconds, “POWER
OFF” appears and the display goes off automatically, then the player enters
Sleep status.
The play mode (
page 27) does not change when (Search) is activated.