Picture Profiles
Setting the white balance
offset and the color
temperature of the preset
Offset White
On / Off
Set to “On” to shift the conversion value for auto
white balance in Memory A or B mode and that for
auto tracing white in ATW mode to a lower color
temperature or a higher color temperature.
–99 to +99 (±0)
Adjust the volume of the offset white (shifting
volumes) of the conversion value in Memory A,
Memory B, or ATW mode, respectively.
–99 to +99 (±0)
–99 to +99 (±0)
Preset White
2100 to 10000 (3200)
Adjust the preset color temperature when Preset
white balance mode is selected in steps of 100K.
• Except when the white balance is in Memory A
or B mode or when ATW is active, you cannot
confirm the result of changing the Offset White
and Offset settings on the screen.
• Except when Preset white balance mode is
selected, you cannot confirm the result of
changing the Preset White settings on the screen.
Adjusting the details to be
applied to the picture
On / Off
Set to “On” to apply the details to the video signal.
–99 to +99 (±0)
Adjust the detail level.
–99 to +99 (±0)
Set the center frequency of the details.
Setting the center frequency higher decreases the
details, and setting it lower increases the details.
–99 to +99 (±0)
Adjust the noise-suppression level.
When you set it to a higher level, less noise may be
seen, as fine elements of details are deleted leaving
only high-level elements.
When you set it to a lower level, fine elements are
applied while increasing noise.
H/V Ratio
–99 to +99 (±0)
Adjust the horizontal-to-vertical ratio of detail
A higher value makes the vertical elements
increased with respect to the horizontal elements.
White Limiter
–99 to +99 (±0)
Limit the white details.
Black Limiter
–99 to +99 (±0)
Limit the black details.
V DTL Creation
NAM / Y / G / G+R
Select the source signal to generate vertical details
from among NAM (G or R whichever is higher), Y,
G, and G+R.
Knee APT Level
–99 to +99 (±0)
Adjust the knee aperture level (level of details to be
applied to the sections above the knee point).
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