Location and Function of Parts
b STORE (scene file store) button
To store a scene file, first press this button so that the
button starts flashing, then press the SCENE FILES button
of the desired number. When file storage is completed, the
STORE button goes dark.
To cancel storage, press the flashing button again before
pressing the SCENE FILES button. The STORE button
goes dark.
9Filter control block
a ND filter select buttons
Once either button is pressed, both buttons light up. Each
time you press the buttons, the ND filter setting changes as
follows. (Filters shown below are examples. Actual filters
will differ, depending on the camera.)
v : 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 1 t …
V : 5 t 4 t 3 t 2 t 1 t 5 t …
It continuously changes when either button is kept
b ND filter display
Indicates the number corresponding to the selected ND
filter. (Filters shown below are examples. Actual filters
will differ, depending on the camera.)
1: Clear
2: 1/4 ND
3: 1/8 ND
4: 1/16 ND
5: 1/64 ND
c CC (color temperature conversion) filter display
Indicates the type corresponding to the selected CC filter.
(Filters shown below are examples. Actual filters will
differ, depending on the camera.)
A: Cross filter
B: 3200K (clear)
C: 4300K
D: 6300K
E: 8000K
d CC (color temperature conversion) filter select
Once either button is pressed, both buttons light up. Each
time you press the buttons, the CC filter setting changes as
follows. (Filters shown below are examples. Actual filters
will differ, depending on the camera.)
v : A t B t C t D t E t A t …
V : E t D t C t B t A t E t …
It continuously changes when either button is kept
Once you press any of the buttons 1 and 4, all the four
buttons light, enabling both the ND and CC filter
JMaster gain control block
MASTER GAIN buttons and display
Select the appropriate video gain according to the
illumination of the subject to be shot. The selected value
(in dB) is displayed in the window.
The gain value increases when the v (up) button is pressed
and decreases when the V (down) button is pressed. It
continuously changes when either button is kept pressed.
KSHUTTER control block
a ON button
Turns the camera SLS function, shutter function, or ECS
function ON and OFF. Pressing the button causes it to light
and turns the function ON. Pressing the button again
causes it to go dark and turns the function OFF.
b SLS/SHUTTER/ECS indicators
The indicator for the function selected via the menu lights.
SLS: Slow Shutter mode
SHT: Shutter mode
ECS: ECS (Extended Clear Scan) mode
LWhite balance/black balance control block
a FLARE (flare balance adjustment mode) button
Toggle the black balance adjustment mode and flare
balance adjustment mode for the BLACK/FLARE knobs.
Press and light the button to select the flare balance
adjustment mode. Press the button again so that it goes
dark when adjusting the black balance.