• If you are using an operating system other
than Windows XP, click the “Start” button of
Windows and point to “Programs” - “Sony
AX” - “AX Remote Editor” and click to start
up “AX Remote Editor”.
• If “
” (the shortcut icon of “AX Remote
Editor”) appears on the desktop of
Windows, double-click the icon to open it.
(Depending on the setting, Windows XP may
automatically delete icons from the desktop
if they have not been used for a certain
period of time. If “
” does not appear on
the desktop, use the “Start” button.)
Using “AX Remote Editor”
– Help
You can set up the Remote Commander
by operating “AX Remote Editor,”
referring to the detailed instructions
provided in Help.
Starting Help
Start up “AX Remote Editor,” then click
“Help” on the menu bar and select “AX
Remote Editor help.”
Help topic for the current edit screen
appears by pressing the “F1” key while
editing. If no Help topic is available for
the screen, the top menu of Help appears.
How to use Help
Click one of the tabs: “Contents,”
“Index” or “Search,” and check the
information you need.
To search by contents (Contents)
You can find information relating to a specific
subject by using the table of contents shown on
the “Contents” tab.
To search indexed information
You can find information from a list of
predetermined keywords shown on the
“Index” tab.
To search using keywords (Search)
You can submit a keyword search on the
“Search” tab by typing in your keyword(s).