
To activate the Close Flip feature:
1. From step 2 on the previous page, select Close. (You will see a
message on the display.)
2. Press OK (left softkey) to continue.
3. Select an option and press .
End to end the call.
Continue(Mute) to continue the call. Your voice is muted,
however you can hear the callers voice from the speaker.
Continue(Unmute) to continue the call. You can hear the
callers voice and speak to the phone to answer.
Note: The Close Flip feature does not apply while you are using the
speakerphone, a headset, or a car kit.
Setting Abbreviated Dialing
To activate Ph. Book Match feature:
1. Select > Settings > Others > Abbrev. Dial.
2. Select Ph. Book Match > Enable.
To deactivate this feature, select Disable.
To set your prepend number:
1. Follow step 1 above.
2. Select Prepend > Enable.
To deactivate this feature, select Disable.
3. Select Prepend#.
4. Enter a five- or six-digit number (for example, an area code
and prefix) and press OK (left softkey).
Tip: To make an Abbreviated Dial call, see “Using Abbreviated Dialing”
on page 25.
Note: This setting does not apply to 111 or Directory Assistance.
48 4.Your Phones Settings