(E) 12-9
SIR-3400H / SIR-3032i / SIR-3032W
ABC (enters uppercase letters)
abc (enters lowercase letters)
123 (enters numbers)
2 Press the respective keys to edit and exit the memo.
Key Function
Setting key Enters the characters (enters the character written above the key)
g / G key Moves the cursor
F1 key Changes the input mode (changed each time the key is pressed)
F2 key Deletes character at the cursor position (Del)
F3 key Sets the memo recording and exits (Set)
F4 key Erases the memo recording and exits (Exit)
Input modes and keys
Key Input mode
ABC abc 123
1 Disabled Disabled 1
2 ABCabc abcABC 2
3 DEFdef defDEF 3
4 GHIghi ghiGHI 4
5 JKLjkl jklJKL 5
6 MNOmno mnoMNO 6
7 PQRSpqrs pqrsPQRS 7
8 TUVtuv tuvTUV 8
9 WXYZwxyz wxyzWXYZ 9
* Disabled Disabled *
0 Disabled Disabled 0
# (CAUTION) .@/%!?(),-_:'~&\ .@/%!?(),-_:'~&\ #.@/%!?(),-_:'~&\
Holding down the # key for at least 2 seconds exits recording memo mode and activates panel lock. In
this state, the memo editing details are erased.
Entering characters
. The character being entered blinks.
. Each time the same key is pressed, the characters assigned to that key are displayed.
. When the next key is used to input a character, the character that was entered before is set.
. To enter a character using the same key again, use the G key to move the cursor, and them make the entry.
. The 0 to 9 and * in 123 input mode are direct input keys. Therefore, a character is input each time the
same key is pressed.
. You cannot enter more than 96 characters.
Deleting characters
. Pressing the F2 key deletes the character at the cursor position. The characters after the cursor position
move back to fill in the deleted space.
. If the cursor is at the end of the text, the cursor position moves forward each time the F2 key is pressed.
12. Operation Settings (Using Setting key)