52 Additional Operations
To cancel searching
Press · PLAY or p STOP.
To turn off the bar indication
Press DISPLAY again.
• The figure on the bar indication represents the total time length of the inserted tape
as shown below.
The total time length may not be displayed correctly for:
– tapes other than T-60, T-120, or T-160
– tapes recorded in more than one tape speed mode.
• If you move the pointer (›) on the bar indication during search, the VCR searches
for the new reset point.
• With the bar indication on, the ) # FF// and 0 3 REW/? buttons on the
remote commander work only for moving the pointer (›), while the ) # FF and
03REW (or, ) FF and 0 REW) buttons on the VCR are used for normal
tape operation. Note, however, if you press these buttons on the VCR, searching is
Total time length
60 120 180
120 240 360
160 320 480
Tape type
T-60 or shorter
from T-80 to T-140
T-160 or longer
Searching for a selected point on the tape (continued)