Operating the Camera
Logging in to Homepage — Welcome Page
Logging in to Homepage
— Welcome Page
Logging in as a User
Start the web browser on the computer and type the
IP address of the camera you want to monitor.
The welcome page of the network camera is
displayed in the Web browser.
Select the viewer.
The usable viewers differ depending on the video
mode (page 34) of the camera.
When the video mode is set to MPEG4, you can
only select ActiveX viewer, and may not select
other viewers. (MPEG4 is default. See illustration
on Step 1 above.)
When the video mode is set to JPEG, you can
select ActiveX viewer or Java applet viewer.
For details, see “About Viewers” on page 18.
Welcome page when the video mode is
Select the viewer language.
Click English or Japanese at the bottom of the
welcome page.
Click Enter.
The main viewer appears.
With the ActiveX viewer (MPEG4)
With the Java applet viewer
Control the camera from the main viewer.
If the Welcome page does not activate correctly, the
security level of the Internet Explorer may be set to
Medium or higher. See “To display the welcome page
and the main viewer correctly” on page 14 and check the
security level.
Displaying the setting window for
the administrator directly
When the administrator sets the camera functions, the
setting window can be displayed directly from the
welcome page.
Select the viewer language on the welcome page.
Click English or Japanese at the bottom of the
welcome page.