
Hooking Up and Setting Up the Speaker System
The receiver allows you to input the speaker position
in terms of distance. However, it is not possible to set
the center speaker further than the front speakers.
Also, the center speaker cannot be set more than
1.5 meters closer than the front speakers.
Likewise, the surround speakers can not be set further
away from the listening position than the front
speakers. And they can be no more than 4.5 meters
This is because incorrect speaker placement is not
conducive to enjoy surround sound.
Please note that, setting the speaker distance closer
than the actual location of the speakers will cause a
delay in the output of the sound from that speaker. In
other words, the speaker will sound like it is further
For example, setting the center speaker distance
1~2 m closer than the actual speaker position will
create a fairly realistic sensation of being “inside” the
screen. If you cannot obtain a satisfactory surround
effect because the surround speakers are too close,
setting the surround speaker distance closer (shorter)
than the actual distance will create a larger sound
Adjusting these parameter while listening to the
sound often results in much better surround sound.
Give it a try!
Internally, the LARGE and SMALL settings for each
speaker determine whether the internal sound
processor will cut the bass signal from that channel.
When the bass is cut from a channel, the bass
redirection circuitry sends the corresponding bass
frequencies to the sub woofer or other “LARGE”
However, since bass sounds have a certain amount of
directionality, it is best not to cut them, if possible.
Therefore, even when using small speakers, you can
set them to “LARGE” if you want to output the bass
frequencies from that speaker. On the other hand, if
you are using a large speaker, but prefer not to have
bass frequencies output from that speaker, set it to
If the overall sound level is lower than you prefer, set
all speakers to “LARGE”. If there is not enough bass,
you can use the BASS parameter in the TONE menu
to boost the bass levels. To adjust the bass, see page
x Front speaker distance (
X.X m)
Set the distance from your listening position to
the front speakers (A on page 12).
x Center speaker distance
DIST. X.X m)
Set the distance from your listening position to
the center speaker. Center speaker distance
should be set from a distance equal to the front
speaker distance (A on page 12) to a distance
1.5 meters closer to your listening position (B
on page 12).
x Surround speaker distance (
DIST. X.X m)
Set the distance from your listening position to
the surround speakers. Surround speaker
distance should be set from a distance equal to
the front speaker distance (A on page 12) to a
distance 4.5 meters closer to your listening
position (C on page 12).