Noise Reduction
Reduces the noise level of pictures (snowy
MPEG Noise Reduction
Reduces picture noise in MPEG-compressed
videos. This is effective when viewing a DVD or
digital broadcast.
Provides smoother picture movement and
reduces picture blur.
• High: Provides smoother picture movement
such as for film-based contents.
• Standard: Provides smooth picture movement.
Use this setting for standard use.
• Off: Use this setting when the “High” or
“Standard” settings result in noise.
• Depending on the video, you may not see the
effect visually, even if you have changed the
Film Mode
Provides improved picture movement when
playing DVD or VCR images taken on film,
reducing picture blur and graininess.
• Auto 1: Provides smoother picture movement
than the original film-based content. Use this
setting for standard use.