Troubleshooting >
This section describes how to solve common problems you might encounter when using your VAIO computer. Many problems
have simple solutions. If these suggestions fail to solve your problems, use the VAIO Care. To launch the software, see
Using the VAIO Care (page 36).
If the problems still cannot be solved and you need assistance, visit the support web sites listed in Finding More about Your
VAIO Computer (page 5)
Some features and options in this section may not be available on your computer.
❑ Computer Operations (page 159)
❑ System Update / Security (page 166)
❑ Recovery / Recovery Media (page 167)
❑ Partition (page 171)
❑ Battery Pack (page 172)
❑ Built-in Camera (page 174)
❑ Networking (LAN/Wireless LAN) (page 176)
❑ Wireless WAN (page 180)
❑ BLUETOOTH Technology (page 181)
❑ Optical Discs (page 184)
❑ GPS (page 189)
❑ Display (page 190)
❑ Printing (page 196)