
ST Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide 23 2006, Source Technologies
March 2006 All Rights Reserved
Printer State
“Ready” is the expected return
Serial Number = Printer Serial Number
Page Count = Printer Page Count
Cartridge Type
“MICR” is the expected return. “Normal” could mean the command was sent to a
non-MICR printer
Cartridge Status
“OK, Low, and Empty” are the expected returns. “Unknown” is possible if the
cartridge had just been installed.
Cartridge Serial = Cartridge Serial Number
Toner Level
A single digit return giving a rough estimate of toner remaining
9 = Full, 0 = Empty
Cartridge Count = xxxx
Data indicating toner usage by counting pixels printed
Low Threshold = xxxx
The Toner Low point based on cartridge count value
Empty Threshold = xxxx
A cartridge count value that determines when printing must stop to ensure quality
MICR documents