
Quick Start Guide
3. do not overclock your CPU
4. check the specification of the memory module, maybe the M/B do not support it.
5. go to BIOS setup and load fail safe settings
6. check website for latest bios update
7. check website for FAQ’s regarding instability issue
8. change the memory module or CPU
My system is not stable under Windows Operating System with VIA chipset M/B
1. do all the “My system intermittently locks up, very unstable” instruction above
2. re-install the VIA 4 in 1 in normally mode
3. re-install the operating system
BIOS issue
Where can I find the BIOS revision of my mainboard?
It will be displayed on the up-left corner on the screen during boot-up. It will show as your
board type followed by the revision number, such as kvxa_2BA1 (meaning BIOS revision
2BA1 for the SY-K7V Dragon plus board) or 6BA+ IV_2AA2 which means SY-6BA+ IV
motherboard with 2AA2 bios.
How can I flash the BIOS?
1. download the BIOS on our support website
2. Make a bootable floppy disk with out any memory manager loaded. (i.e. himem,
emm386, etc..)
3. copy the BIOS file and awdflash utility to the diskette
4. type "awdflash biosname.bin /sn /py"
5. then reboot.
6. it is advisable to clear the CMOS memory
After flashing the BIOS, my system will not boot-up
1. try clearing the CMOS
2. the BIOS chip is defected due to unsuccessful flash, contact your nearest Soyo
branch for re-flashing
Is there a way to reprogram my BIOS after an unsuccessful flash?
No, you need to send back the BIOS ROM to your nearest Soyo branch for re-flashing.