3.3 Working in Vertical / Plumb mode
I. Mark the desired plumb point with
a cross.
II. Center the HL 100 roughly over the
marked cross, using the cross-
hairs on the back of the unit (12).
III. Center the bulls eye bubble (9) by using both dials, as shown underneath.
The horizontal setting dial (3) allows you to move the bubble sideways;
the vertical setting dial (4) allows you to move the bubble back and forth.
IV. Continue to drill
The laser is now correctly aligned.
Drill the second hole by setting the drill bit directly on the center of the laser
dot location. Clear the debris from the hole, if necessary, to allow laser beam
to pass through. The laser dot will now show the correct location of the hole
to be drilled on the third joist / stud. Continue to drill the following joists /
studs by using the center of the laser dot as the exact hole location.
You may prefers to mark the center of the dot with a pencil prior to drilling.
IV. Check the position of the HL 100
over the cross and slightly correct
position if necessary.
The HL 100 is now correctly positioned and plumb, ready to continue.
Drill hole in overhead material using the laser dot to place drill bit, or mark
the dot with a pencil and then drill.