
5.- Word transliterate
On screen appears a draw and then you hear the word name.
The objective is to enter the letters of the word, one by one.
Press INTRO (5) to con rm the answer.
6.- Counting
On the right side of the screen appears some gures, you must
to count them and enter the answer on the corresponding space.
Press INTRO (5) to con rm the answer.
7.- The contrast
2 numbers appears on each side of the screen, on the center
appears some rotating signs (>, < or =), when the correct answer
appears, press INTRO (5).
8.- Add and subtract with draws
On screen appears 2 lines with draws. On the center appears
the operation to make (subtract or add). Enter the operation
result and press INTRO (5) to con rm the answer.
9.- Digital add and subtract
On screen appears 2 numbers and an operation (- or +). Enter
the correct answer and press INTRO (5) to con rm it. At the
same time, may appears a quantity, the operation sign (+ or -)
and the answer; the objective is to determine what’s the other
10.- Comparison
For a few seconds, on screen appear some different draws, then
turns down all of them except one, and the objective is to make
pairs. Use the cursor keys (3) and press INTRO (5) to con rm
the answer.
11.- Discover
On screen appears 3 similar draws. The objective is to nd
what’s the different draw. To switch between one draw to other
one, use the cursor keys (3). Press INTRO (5) to con rm the
correct answer.
12.- Win on
On screen appears the scissor-stone-paper game. The user is
located on the left of the screen and to choose an option, press
INTRO (5).