A guide to the benefits of juicing (continued)
Fruit / Vegetable Source of Benefits KJ per 100g
Mango Beta carotene, potassium, flavenoids Easy to digest. 235kj/100g
and other antioxidants.
Mint Antispasmodic volatile oils, Aids digestion.
flavenoids, menthol.
Oranges High in vitamin C, fibre, beta Excellent for healthy skin and helps 100kj/100g
carotene, flavenoids, thiamine, the body’s defences against bacterial
pectin, folate. infections.
Papaya Protective carotenoids, rich in Helps digest proteins. 160kj/100g
vitamin C, fibre, rich in papain.
Parsley Vitamin C, iron. Excellent for fresh breath.
Pawpaw Beta carotene, flavenoids, Helps digest proteins. 163kj/100g
magnesium, rich in papain.
Peaches Good source of vitamin C, dietary Easy to digest and works as a gentle 130kj/100g
fibre, beta carotene. laxative.
Pears Very good source of dietary fibre. Provide a quick source of energy. 190kj/100g
Pineapple Vitamin C, dietary fibre, beta carotene. Helps to digest protein. 160kj/100g
Plums Vitamin E, potassium, beta carotene, May help to retard the effects 110-155kj/100g
malic acid. of wrinkling.
Raspberries High in dietary fibre, excellent source Helps in treating constipation. 110kj/100g
of vitamin C, some folate.
Rockmelons Excellent source of vitamin C, beta May help in the prevention of cancer 90kj/100g
carotene, carotenoids. and heart disease.
Spinach Zeaxanthin, vitamin C, beta carotene, Helps in keeping eyes healthy 65kj/100g
folate, dietary fibre. in the elderly.
Strawberries Vitamin C, dietary fibre, some folate. Helps to absorb iron better after 80kj/100g
eating meat.
Tomatoes Rich in lycopene, vitamin C, and May help reduce the risk of prostate 55kj/100g
small amounts of vitamin E, folate, cancer in men.
dietary fibre.
Watercress Vitamin C & E, folate, beta carotene, Thought to have cancer fighting 72kj/100g
iron. properties.
Watermelon Carotenoids, beta carotene, vitamin C, May stimulate the kidneys to help 95kj/100g
dietary fibre. function better.