17 F45 Issue 6
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Changing the shape or tension
To change the shape and/or
tension of the ‘Optima’ backrest
remove the padded cover from the
rear of the backrest and expose the
tension straps (Fig 21). Loosen or
tighten the straps to suit. (The most
comfortable and supportive position
is achieved with the wheelchair
user seated in the chair). Ensure
the straps are securely fastened
and replace the padded cover prior
to use.
Changing seat depth
To change the seating depth
remove the two bolts (Fig. 22) on
the top plate on both sides of the
chair. The backrest can now be
moved to the desired position.
Replace the two bolts ensuring they
are firmly tightened. A greater
depth reduction can be achieved by
swapping the L.H. and R.H.
brackets around. If this is done
ensure all the bolts are secure prior
to use.
Loosen or tighten the straps to suit the
user’s need
Take out these bolts and move the
backrest to the desired position