Issue 4 10
Preparing your wheelchair for use
Seat stem adjustment
In order to provide fine adjustment
of the angle of the seat frame, you
will note that the seat stem is fitted
with a locknut where the seat stem
meets the under seat cross bar. To
adjust the seat angle to a position
between that normally provided for
by the series of holes in the seat
stem. To increase the angle turn
the stem anti-clock wise, to
decrease turn stem clockwise.The
holes in the seat must always be
aligned so that the locking pin is
always free to engage with the
desired hole in the seat stem.
Once the adjustment has been
made and with the knob correctly
engaged with the appropriate seat
stem hole, the locknut must then be
fully retightened.
The adjustment provided by the
above means, is intended for
adjustment between hole spacings
only. The gap between the top of the
seat stem and locknut must not
exceed 12mm (1/2”) (Fig. 7).
If in doubt consult Sunrise
Medical or your local dealer.
Always check to see if the seat
stem locking mechanism has
properly located into the seat stem
hole by exerting downward
pressure with your palm on the seat
Fig. 7
12mm (1/2”)