VI. Capture Stream Button
Follow the Capture Instructions below for capturing the stream.
1 Use Position Slider Bar to find the stream position required.
Make sure that the play back is in PAUSE mode, and the Capture Stream Button
is enabled.
2 Press the button, the capturing indicator window will pop up while it’s capturing.
Fig.7 Capturing Indicator Window
• To stop capturing, press the Stop Capturing button on the window. The captured file
(MYS file) will be stored in the Capture Directory. Refer to the Application Setting
section for more details.
VII. Screen Capture Button
1 Use the Position Slider Bar to find the stream position required.
2 Make sure that the play back is in PAUSE mode, and the Capture Stream Button is
3 Press the button, JPEG image file will be created and DVR4-1000 will inform you the
file name and the Capture Directory Path.