
Powering the PenCam On/Off
Push the button 1 time to
power on the PenCam
Powering On the PenCam
1. Push and release the button on the PenCam 1 time.
2. The orange light will turn on.
3. Wait 5 to 10 seconds for the PenCam to load and “boot up”.
4. After the PenCam has fi nished booting it will automatically begin recording
indicated by the blue light.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must wait until the PenCam has fi nished booting and
the light has turned blue before pressing the button again, otherwise there may
be data loss or undesired results.
Powering Off the PenCam
1. If the light is blue, push and release the button one time to stop recording
and wait until the light turns orange.
2. When the light is orange, push and hold the button to power off the
Recording and Standby Modes
Charging the PenCam
Standby Mode
When the orange light is on the PenCam is in standby. Push the button 1 time to
begin recording. If you are powering on the PenCam it will automatically begin
recording, do not push the button while the PenCam is booting.
Recording Mode
The blue light indicates the PenCam is currently recording. Push the button 1
time to stop recording. The PenCam may take several seconds to process and
save the recording.
The PenCam has a built in lithium-ion battery that provides approximately 90
minutes of power when fully charged.
Charge the PenCam by connecting the hidden USB connector inside the PenCam
to a USB port on your computer. The PenCam will fl ash orange, indicating it is
charging. Full charge time is approximately 2 hours.
Orange indicates standby mode
Blue indicates currently recording
IMPORTANT NOTE: When stopping a recording push the button only 1 time.
The PenCam will write the video to memory. Depending on the length and com-
plexity of the video there may be several seconds delay. Do not push the button
again during this time or data loss may occur.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before using the PenCam for the fi rst time, connect it to a
USB port and charge for the full 2 hours.
Unscrew the PenCam to
reveal the hidden USB port