- Shake the iron gently, over the sink, until some of the water in the water
tank (with the impurities) has flowed out through the soleplate.
- At the end of the operation, push the anti-calc valve back into position.
- Turn the iron back on for 2 minutes, setting it on its heel, to dry the
- Unplug the iron, and when the soleplate is just warm, wipe it with a soft
2. Cleaning the soleplate
Your iron is equipped with a self-cleaning soleplate, which works by
Its exclusive active coating helps continuously eliminate all the impurities
generated by the normal day-to-day use of the iron.
However, if you iron using an unsuitable programme, some traces may be
left which require manual cleaning. In this case, it is recommended that
you use a soft damp cloth on the warm soleplate, in order not to damage
the surface.
Storing your iron
- Unplug the iron and wait for the soleplate to cool down.
- Empty the water tank and set the steam control to DRY . A little water may remain in the
- Wind the cord not too tightly around the heel at the back of the iron.
- Store the iron on its heel.
Environment protection first !!
Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled.
Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.
If there is a problem?
Problem Possible causes Solutions
• Water drips from
the holes in the
• You are using the Shot of Steam button
too often.
• You have stored the iron horizontally,
without emptying it and without setting
it to DRY.
• Wait a few seconds between each
use of the button.
• See the section "Storing your
• Brown streaks
come through the
holes in the
soleplate and stain
the linen.
• You are using chemical descaling agents.
You are using pure distilled/demineralised
or softened water.
• Your linen is not rinsed sufficiently or you
have ironed a new garment before
washing it.
• Do not add any descaling agents
to the water in the water tank.
• See section “Types of water not to
• See section "Cleaning the soleplate"
• Ensure linen is rinsed thoroughly
to remove any soap deposits or
chemicals on new garments
which may be sucked up by the
The steam control
position must
necessarily be on
STEAM in order
to remove or
replace the iron's
antiscale rod.
The use of a
scouring pad will
cause damage to
your soleplate's
- fig. 17
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