Quick Start List for Stand-Alone
2.3 Quick Start List for Stand-Alone
Follow these steps to use the TPA2010D1 EVM stand-alone or when
connecting it into existing circuits or equipment. Connections to the
TPA2010D1 module header pins can be made via individual sockets,
wire-wrapping, or soldering to the pins, either on the top or the bottom of the
module circuit board.
- Power supply
1) Ensure that all external power sources are set to OFF.
2) Connect an external regulated power supply set to 5 V to the module V
and GND pins, taking care to observe marked polarity.
- Inputs and outputs
3) Ensure that the signal source level is set to minimum.
4) Connect the positive lead from the audio source to the module IN+ pin and
the negative lead to the IN− pin.
can be enabled by either depressing switch S1, or by driving
EVM pin with TTL level logic.
6) Connect a 4-Ω to 32-Ω speaker to the module OUT+ and OUT− pins.
- Power Up
7) Verify correct voltage and input polarity and set the external power supply
to ON.
The EVM begins operation.
8) Adjust the signal source level as needed.